Many classes, like the String-A-Longs senior violin class (a story all in itself that has been featured in several Lincoln publications and television programs), had their roots in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNL (taught by volunteer HAA faculty) and continued on after the initial 6-week course to make their home at Harris. One such class, Adult Beginning Piano, currently meets on Tuesday afternoons in Studio 12. Susan Musick is one of those budding pianists. She played flute from 4th grade through her sophomore year in college, and watched her children progress through piano lessons, but never took the time to learn piano herself. “I have always wanted to learn to play the piano,” says Susan. “It is on my bucket list!”
Just ask Google, and you’ll find that music lessons benefit adults just as much as they benefit children. Music lessons offer adults a social outlet and a mind-sharpening activity. In fact, in some ways, adults taking on lessons are at an advantage compared to children. Adults are internally motivated to learn music; their parents aren’t pushing and persuading them to practice. They also have developed critical thinking skills and can understand complex concepts more easily, meaning that leaning music theory and analysis happens much faster than it does for children. Combine that with developed emotions, an increased attention span, and the ability to read easily, and adults sure seem to have the upper hand. (
Naturally, music lessons come with their fair share of challenges, as well, but they provide an even greater reward—a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Susan knows this well and finds it most difficult when learning a new piece. “I’m not very good at sight reading music,” she says. It’s also a challenge to find enough time at home to practice, something every adult can relate to. But, when asked what she considers to be the best part of taking the class, Susan replied, “Accomplishing one of the pieces that I found really challenging!”
Susan has this encouragement to share with adults who are still on the fence about taking lessons. “I would recommend [music lessons] to any adult. It is so satisfying to learn something new and really enjoy playing music for fun!“ And for those already in the thick of lessons, who perhaps need a little “chin up”: “Stick with it. Time and practice really pays off and it is so rewarding to learn the music, and to make it sound like it was written!”
Ready to start your lessons? We would love to talk with you about instructors, class options, and convenient scheduling in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings! Call (402) 423-7121 to learn more.