Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fiddlin' Fools!

Harris Academy of the Art's Beginning Fiddling Summer Workshop wrapped up today after a full month of exploring fiddling technique and repertoire.

We spent a little time with instructor, Jentry Barrett, to learn more about fiddling and what her students have been learning. No fiddling around, this sounds like fun!

What’s the difference between a violin and a fiddle?
"A violin and fiddle are the same thing. Fiddling is just a style of violin playing. There is an old joke that fiddling is just violin playing with bad posture, but not in my class!"

What skills does a student need to have before they can start fiddling?
"If you can play the violin successfully then you can play fiddle tunes. You need to be able to consistently play in tune, cross strings without excess noise, and have a relaxed posture so playing fast notes is easy."

What is your favorite fiddle tune?
"I love Cripple Creek. Lots of fast notes, but not a lot of different notes, so it looks harder than it really is!"

What else can you tell us about fiddling?
"There are lots of different styles of fiddling, and so much music to enjoy. That is the gift of playing the violin well, you get to play so much fun music."

The Final Class Performance 

Mark Your Calendars:

World Fiddle Day is May 17, 2015
Look for more
FIDDLE CLASS OFFERINGS from Harris beginning Fall 2014!

More Photos:

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