Monday, August 19, 2013

For The Love Of Music

It isn’t often that adults will come out and admit, “I wish I had never taken music lessons.” In fact, more often than not, adults (whether they’re just turning twenty or reaching eighty years in age) will say, “I wish I had never quit taking music lessons.”
Music lessons are work, there’s no doubt about it. They’re hyped up and given a certain coat of shimmering glamor by the media, and then every child wants to learn an instrument so they can one day be heard on the radio and perform in front of thousands.
But then the music lessons start, and they begin to realize that the skills they desire to learn in order to play their instrument don’t just come magically. While some are lucky enough to pick up an instrument and know immediately the theory and technique behind it without much instruction, that number is very few. Learning an instrument, just as learning any art, sport, etc. -- it takes hard work and dedication. And the younger you start, the easier it becomes with age and practice.
But this hard work and dedication is unfortunately why many people quit their instrument before actually giving themselves the chance to learn it. Then later in life, suddenly wish they had never given it up.
So here are a few reasons why you should be taking music lessons, regardless of what age you are.
1. Music lessons help lower stress and make you smarter.
Studies show that music education can increase IQ in children and adults, and these same studies have also shown that music is a great stress reliever. Music not only stops stress, but puts those hormone imbalances in reverse!
2. Learning to play an instrument comes with its own community.
Especially for adults, and after college more specifically, it can be difficult to make new social connections. Trying out music lessons can provide a “common ground” of sorts, on which to meet other people. Taking music lessons can open a door to meeting other people of all ages and talents who have a similar interest.
3. You learn a good amount of discipline and the value of hard work and dedication.
If you’re learning an instrument, whether it’s for fun or professional purposes, that is a talent that will stick with you for life. This will also help in certain careers and moments in your life that require discipline, values, and dedication. If you were able to dedicate yourself to a musical instrument, you’ve learned how to properly dedicate yourself to everyday tasks!
There are many reasons adults and children alike should begin taking music lessons. But possibly one of the most important reasons is that it is a fun, relaxing activity that could one day turn into a career -- and even if it doesn’t land you a spot on the radio every thirty minutes or a music video on television, it’s still a fun and exciting part of life to be able to say “I never quit taking music lessons, and I definitely don’t regret it.”

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